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Mommy Makeover

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What Is A “Mommy Makeover”?

For mommies who want their pre-baby bodies back, the mommy makeover was created for you.

The mommy makeover is a procedure booming in popularity among new mothers and mothers whose children are already grown adults. The mommy makeover addresses body and skin concerns that often occur in women who have carried one or more babies. After having children, many women experience undesirable body changes such as weight gain, skin stretching and breast sagging. The mommy makeover is tailored to each patient to address their unique needs, targeting body changes on the breasts, stomach area, back, hips and buttocks, and even on the face. Whatever your specific concerns are, there is a unique mommy makeover plan that can be developed just for you. The classic mommy makeover involves a tummy tuck and breast lift or augmentation, targeting the two areas most affected by pregnancy.

About The Mommy Makeover Procedure

Once general anesthesia is administered, extremely small incisions will be made in every area being treated. There is no limit to the number of areas that can be treated at once, as long as the plastic surgeon is confident that it’s safe to treat multiple areas at a time. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.

In traditional tumescent liposuction, an anesthetic fluid is infused into the treated area to reduce trauma. A small hollow tube known as a cannula is then inserted into the incisions. This tube will loosen unwanted fat before it gets suctioned out through the cannula. The surgeon will carefully contour all the treated areas before completing the procedure.

Most mommy makeovers are performed under general anesthesia and require a post-operative overnight stay at the hospital or at an aftercare facility.

Mommy Makeover Recovery

After a mommy makeover, patients can usually drive by one week, walk five miles on a flat surface by two weeks, and run after four weeks. Some women will feel ready to return to work after just one week, but most women need two to four weeks of recovery time before returning to work.

You should not lift more than five pounds during the first three to four weeks after breast surgery, and following a tummy tuck, avoid twisting motions and using your core for four to six weeks.

Compression garments and prescribed medication will be provided to reduce pain and swelling post-surgery. Make sure to enlist support to help with daily activities and childcare, as you will likely be very tired the first few weeks following surgery.

Schedule a Consultation

A consultation with a top surgeon at Mia Aesthetics is the first step in undergoing a mommy makeover. During your consultation, you and your surgeon will determine which procedures will best address your unique needs and areas of concern.

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Frequently Asked Questions

No, but combining the procedures is less expensive and means you’ll only go through the recovery process once, which is convenient for women on the go!
It is hard to accurately gauge whether or not you will be able to breastfeed after a mommy make over because some women are able to and some are not. Your surgeon will take care to avoid damaging the areola and the nerves connected to it to allow for future breastfeeding.
Yes, you can get a mommy makeover without a tummy tuck. Your surgeon can combine different types of procedures based on your surgical goals, creating a mommy makeover that is uniquely you.
Patients who wish to recover their pre-pregnancy body shape are the right candidates for a mommy makeover. To qualify, patients should be at least 21 years old and be in good health.