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Male Breast Reduction

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What Is A Male Breast Reduction?

Male breast reduction is a procedure performed on patients with male gynecomastia, a condition that occurs in men when a hormonal imbalance or certain drugs trigger unwanted breast tissue growth.

During the procedure, a physician uses lipo or performs a mastectomy to remove excess breast tissue, resulting in a more masculine looking chest.Roughly two-thirds of boys will have enlarged or puffy breasts as they go through puberty, but the condition usually resolves itself with age.

However, enlarged breasts can appear spontaneously during middle age, and that is a problem unlikely to go away on its own.The condition often gives men the appearance of having feminine breasts, resulting in embarrassment or shame. Male breast reduction can help improve these men’s confidence.

About The Male Breast Reduction Procedure:

Typically, male breast reduction surgery is done under a general anesthetic. Other medications can be given to the patient prior to the procedure for comfort.

The procedure is not considered difficult or invasive and usually takes about two hours to complete. The surgery involves making discreet incisions to access the patient’s fatty tissue and breast glands and then removing unwanted tissue and contouring the chest.

The incisions are then closed with sutures.If the enlarged tissue is due to a buildup of excess fatty tissue under the skin, the physician will first use lipo to remove it. This method requires making several small incisions around the base of the breast.

The physician will insert a small tube to remove the fat through the entry points around the breast. During this step, the surgeon will gently move the tissue back and forth to loosen the unwanted fat.In cases of hormonal or severe gynecomastia, the entire breast gland may have to be removed.

The physician will make an incision underneath the breast, taking care to preserve the cosmetic placement of the nipple, and remove the breast gland. In cases where the nipple is deformed or enlarged, the surgeon will reshape the nipple to a more natural size and shape.

Male Breast Reduction Recovery

After the procedure, the patient should wear a chest compressor to minimize swelling. Surgeons may place a drain at the incision site to remove any excess fluid.

A doctor may also prescribe pain medication or require the patient to apply topical medication to the surgical site to reduce bruising and discomfort. Most patients can return to work in about a week, though strenuous activities and vigorous exercise should be avoided for several more weeks.

Surgeons will provide specific instructions for returning to normal activities.There may be minimal scarring after male breast surgery. Some patients reduce the appearance of scars with Vitamin E oil or silicone-based anti-scar gels or serums.

Schedule a Consultation

The first step to undergoing male breast reduction will be a consultation with a hand-picked Mia Aesthetics surgeon. During your consultation, you can discuss your surgical goals and go over any questions or concerns about the procedure.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Though male breast reduction is generally very safe, there are always risks to major surgery. Choosing the right surgeon and following all pre-and post-operative instructions will greatly reduce the risk of complications

Some potential risks may include:

  • Bleeding
  • Anesthesia complications
  • Allergic reactions to tape or topical agents used on skin/li>
  • Changes in sensation
  • Asymmetry
  • Breast shape irregularities due to weight gain or loss
Typically, patients should wait one week before resuming normal activities and going back to work. However, patients should avoid physical strain or any rigorous activity during the first six weeks following surgery, as it may cause surgical wounds to reopen.

If the patient has a low-impact job, he may be able to return to work after a few days of recovering.

While the fat and breast gland tissue is removed permanently during male breast reduction surgery, the issue of enlarged breasts can be triggered by weight gain, drug use, or other causes. However, men who lead a healthy lifestyle following surgery should enjoy permanent results from male breast reduction
Strenuous exercise should be postponed for a few weeks following surgery, since it can compromise a patient’s healing and safety. Ask your surgeon for specific details about how long you’ll need to wait to resume normal exercise.
Pills and creams do not effectively reduce the size of male breasts. Although these “treatments” are marketed as the solution to gynecomastia, surgery is currently the only proven treatment for gynecomastia.

Ideal candidates for male breast reduction surgery have male gynecomastia past puberty age. If a patient with gynecomastia is young, physicians may have him wait several years to see if the condition resolves on its own, as it often does during puberty.

A doctor can perform a physical exam and run tests to determine if a case of male breast enlargement is not a sign of another, more serious problem. Sometimes, breast growth can be a sign of breast or testicular cancer.

Other disorders, such as Klinefelter syndrome, which affects the endocrine system, can also cause unwanted enlargement of male breast tissue. Sometimes, gynecomastia is simply a result of excess fat on the body (also known as pseudogynecomastia).

Obesity can also cause male breasts to swell because of poor nutrition. Weight loss could reverse the symptoms entirely, but it is important to check with a physician to determine if this is the case.

Candidates for male breast reduction surgery should have realistic expectations, be in general good health, and consult with their surgeon before deciding whether gynecomastia surgery is the solution.