How to Mentally Prepare for Surgery

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Plastic surgery can have many positive, life changing benefits for patients, such as increased confidence, improved physical mobility and an improved outlook on life. While the lifelong benefits plastic surgery can provide are pretty fantastic, surgery is still a major life decision that is often accompanied with fear and anxiety. Choosing to undergo plastic surgery is not a decision that should be made abruptly or without thought.

If you have weighed out the pros and cons, done your research and decided to undergo cosmetic surgery, congratulations! You are one step closer to achieving the body of your dreams. In order to have the best experience possible, there are ways you should begin to prepare leading up to your surgery date.

What many people fail to realize is that plastic surgery has much of an impact on patients mentally as it does on them physically. By mentally preparing for the changes you will experience after surgery, you can set yourself up for a smooth, seamless recovery.

Below are four ways you can mentally prepare for your upcoming cosmetic procedure:

1. Be Informed
Read up on your procedure. Watch videos and interviews with surgeons who perform the procedure. Most clinics, like Mia Aesthetics, have social channels where the post regularly about popular procedures and what patients can expect. The more you know, the less fear you will feel leading up to your procedure.

It may also be helpful to write up a list of questions you would like to ask your surgeon prior to your surgery. You can bring these questions with you to your consultation to ensure you have peace of mind leading up to your procedure.

2. Clean your Home and Stock up
Many studies show that people who clean their homes before they leave on a vacation are able to return to their regular routine upon return. The same goes for plastic surgery! Make sure you have any groceries and supplies you might need upon your return at hand and accessible. This will allow you to truly rest and relax without worrying that you might be missing something.

3. Remember Recovery is a Process
Although before and after photos show incredible, transformative results, these are typically taken after the patient has had time to heal. You should mentally prepare for the fact that you will likely not look or feel like yourself after surgery. There may be swelling and bruising as well as manageable pain. But this is temporary. If you go into surgery with the understanding that your results will take time and healing to fully settle, you will better be able to manage the recovery process.

4. Stay Positive
Although it is sometimes easier said than done, your surgical journey will be much easier and more joyful if you try and maintain a positive attitude throughout. Remember your end goal and the reasons you decided to go through with the cosmetic procedure in the first place. Although the road to recovery will be bumpy at some points, your much-anticipated end results will make the experience worth it!